Jan Palmblad Photography
PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS / 2004 50 min - a film about the Swedish fashion designer Christian Knaust and his husband Carmen Marc Valvo
Directed/filmed/produced by Jan Palmblad @ Daniel Scheja
Clip from the feature film FESTIVAL / 2001 95 min
Creator/script/ coproducer Jan Palmblad
Burning of a wedding dress.
I was married on Nov 30th 1974. Last year 2018 Alexandra killed the wedding dress; the ceremony took place at the wool factory in Marieholm.
Clip from TALK TO ME / 2003 45 min - a film about love and trust with Daniel Scheja and Eugenia Griffero.
Directed/filmed/produced by Jan Palmblad
A garden in Languedoc
Together with Tereza.
Anais in the Art hall
The dancer and choreographer Anais Touret joined me for a photo session at Lokstallet in February 2020. We also shot a short video to capture the beauty of her movements.
Shortfilm June 2020
Lockdown & The Liliac Room
Camilla Klemming and Annika Forslund-Rimbléus
Jan Palmblad
Year in review, 2023
This is a film about an old man living alone on a small island on the Swedish west coast and his struggle against the sea and storms. The cast includes more than 100 friends, artists and musicians.
Warning! The film contains explicit language, nudity and some disturbing violence. The old man himself will appear naked in a dramatic garden scene.
Du måste överge allt som är viktigt i ditt liv
det finns ingenting som är beständigt
din smärta är priset du betalar för att leva
Inspelad på Blomsholm 26 februari 2024
Inga skador uppstod på eller vid monumentet vid inspelningen
Film Berta Svensson, allt annat Jan Palmblad
Didos klagan av Henry Purcell
Filmen är tillägnad LL och CK
Dance shortfilm February 2020
White Red Black
Camilla Klemming and Jan Palmblad
Released Winter Word Festival in Strömstad 2020
Close dance.
Three Acts about corona; three stories about distance and closeness, about the necessity of being close, being in love. And of course, to dance.
Dancers: Camilla Klemming, Lovisa Mattisson and Therese Lind Ballder. Photo: Jan Palmblad Editing: Camilla Klemming. www.closedance.se
Swan 2.0
The famous ballet ” The Swan” performed by Anna Pavlova in 1905 is based on Lord Tennyson's poem "The Dying Swan”. The original concept of the piece is that the Swan has been wounded and is painfully fighting against death, but in the end, she loses her battle and dies. But the ballet is not about a swan, it is about death and the swan is simply a metaphor. According to legend, when Anna Pavlova was lying on her deathbed, her last words were, "Get my Swan costume ready. Our Swan however is not at all interested in dying. She is young, strong and dedicated to controlling her life and her future. At any cost.